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Rifle Smithing

Adjust Trigger

(adjustable type)



Ruger Mini-14


Ruger 10/22


(Bolt Action)

Includes barrel, installation, and crowning
(Stock inletting and odd calibers) (extra)

Blued Barrel


Stainless Barrel


Match Contour of Original Barrel


Cut and Chamfer Barrel


Cut and Lathe Crown Barrel


Set Barrel Back & Correct Headspace


Install Muzzle Brake

Blued Brake, Installed


Stainless Brake, Installed


Fit & Install Liner in .22 Barrel

+ cost of liner

Octagon Barrel


Custom Bolt Handle Modification

Includes modification of stock to accept low swing bolt
(handle not included)

Fit & Install Low Swing Safety

+cost of safety

Dovetail Barrel Sight Installation


Fit & Install Dovetail Sight


Mount Scope & Boresight

$65.00 for M1A

Drill and Tap

1 Hole

(adjustable type)

2 Hole


3 Hole


4 Hole


Drill/Tap/Install Peep on Lever


Check Headspace


Chamber Cast


Match Fit & Install Timney Trigger


Remove Sweated Sights

Does not include reblueing of Barrel

Machine Jewel Bolt


General Barrel, Action, Rifle Work

Check Headspace


Chamber Cast


Remove Stuck Case From Chamber

Fired-$45 – $100
Live-$80 – $125

Remove Obstruction From Bore

Hourly Rate

General Barrel, Action, Rifle Work Cont.

Cut and Crown rifle barrel


Thread barrel for muzzle device


Chamber and Fit Barrel to Action (Does not include materials, crown, or refinishing)


Install Pre-Threaded and Chambered Barrel (Does not include refinishing)


Stamp Caliber on Barrel


Install Threaded KDF style Muzzle Brake and Index(Not including threading)


Lap Crown


Install Mod 70 style 3 Position Safety


Install and Pin/Weld Brake


Install Flash Hider/Muzzle brake


We do not accept transfers of 80% lower receivers, jigs or firearms with no serial# made after 1968.